Agenda Salon Itechmer

LORIENT : LE SALON DE LA PÊCHE PAR EXCELLENCE Premier Salon professionnel de la pêche en France, ITECHMER regroupe en un rendez-vous l’ensemble des professionnels…

ITECHMER est le seul salon professionnel international en France dédié aux technologies, aux équipements et services de la filière halieutique. De la capture/production à la transformation, de la construction navale à la commercialisation en passant par la R&D, la formation, l’administration, les ports…


LORIENT ITECHMER The first trade fair for fishing industry in France, Itechmer is a meeting of professionals working in sectors from ship design to final processing of seafood …

A programme of events alongside the ITECHMER tradeshow is organised with conferences and debates concerning topical issues in the fishing sector. These conferences and round tables will be an opportunity to discuss topical issues and deal with problems in the fishing sector on a European and worldwide scale. Issues with multiple stakes will be discussed with stakeholders and decision-makers from the sector providing their insight on the themes discussed.

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